Internal Linking for SEO guide

internal links for site

Internal linking is a powerful technique when it comes to optimizing your site. These internal inks provide quick access to other pages of that site making navigation easier and ultimately keeping users engaged on your site.

What is Internal Linking?

Internal linking connects one page to another page of the same website. These links are hyperlinks and can be placed within the content, menu, or footer of a web page. Internal links serve as a roadmap for both users and search engines, allowing them to navigate your website efficiently.

Without it the user will have no way of accessing the content of their interest. It also helps maintain user-interest. By using those links on pages a reader can also explore other related content without breaking the consistency and continuity.

How Internal Linking Works?

Internal linking helps search engines understand the structure of your website and the hierarchy of your content. We take an analogy to understand it more clearly. If a small town is divided into small colonies connected by several routes no visitor will have access problem to any part of the town.

More interestingly it will be way easier for them to hop from one street to the other and get out of the town shortly. Crawlers too, can easily discover and index new pages.

Additionally, internal links distribute the link equity otherwise known as “link juice,” that passes authority from one page to the other. Authority means power of being trusted.

Simply put, it works by creating a network of interconnected pages within your website. Each page you link to becomes a node, and linked pages have a uniquely identifiable connection. Its one to many link as described by the set theory in math.

For instance, if you have a blog post about “On-Page SEO” and another about “Keyword Research,” you can create an internal link from the latter to the former, emphasizing the connection between content and readers.

Best Practices for Internal Linking

The anchor text of your internal links should be descriptive and relevant to the content you’re linking to.

  • Structure your site’s architecture in a way that makes sense for both users and search engines. Plan linking in a logical hierarchy to classify content pages.
  • When done correctly, internal linking can offer several SEO benefits, including:
  • Improved search engine rankings – Enhanced crawlability and indexability- Better user experience and navigation- Increased time spent on your website
  • Internal linking is crucial for e-commerce platforms, as it helps users discover related products and navigate through the site.
  1. Internal links stay within the same website, while external links lead to a different domain.
  2. Internal links mainly assist in website navigation, structure, and SEO, while external links serve the purpose of referencing, providing additional resources, and building relationships.
  3. Website owners have full control over internal links, while external links may not do so.
  4. Internal links impact a website’s structure and indexing, while external links impact a website’s authority and trustworthiness.

Internal Linking For Search Engines

Google, prefers internal links, and for a good reason.

Enhanced Website Crawling

An elite fleet of web crawlers continuously traverse the internet, analyzing and indexing webpages. Internal links provide clear pathways, guiding these crawlers through a website’s content labyrinth.

When a webpage links to another within the same site, it’s akin to leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for Google to follow. This makes it easier for Google to discover and index all your webpages, ensuring that no valuable content goes unnoticed.

Content Hierarchy

When you create links between your pages, you’re essentially saying, “This page is important, and it’s related to this other page. A well-structured website with clear internal linking helps Google understand how your content is organized.

Improved User Experience

Internal linking enhance the user journey through your website. Search Engines appreciates websites that keep users on their pages for longer, and internal links play a significant role in achieving this goal.

How to set up Internal linking

Setting up an effective internal linking strategy is crucial for improving your site’s performance.

Well-built Architecture

An organized site structure can bring huge benefits. A systematic design has simple and quick navigation that provides hassle-free browsing experience. Google can better understand clear-cut design and ranks such sites faster than those with poor structure.

Perfect Menu Names

Once a new user arrives on your pages they scan for easy links which are identifiable by keywords. For instance a merchant site selling tools should have clearly written menu such as- Garden tools or Kitchen Tools. Such keyword based menu names are quick to discover and provide friendly navigation.

Create internal links among closely related posts, for example, one page related to mens dress shirts should have linking to Mens Linen Shirts, winter shirts. This is how you create a family of like posts about mens shirts. A user will automatically take interest in other relevant content.

No-Excess linking

Internal linking can enhance performance but if done excessively can ruin the user experience and reputation of your site. Limit the links and use where necessary. Also don’t duplicate links if the same word is mentioned more than once on a page, only create one link in the best location.


Employ proper sitemaps. A sitemap gives clear idea of all the posts and pages of a site. Search engines like Google and Bing stress much on creating a sitemap, no matter if you have few web pages. Sitemaps tell the crawlers the best route through any site and define the hierarchy.

These are the primary menu links or links in your site’s navigation bar that help users browse around your website, especially they drive traffic to important pages and category links. They often include links to essential pages like the homepage, about us, contact.
Contextual Links:

These links are embedded within the content of a page and provide relevant information.

Links in the website’s footer are often used to provide additional navigation options or links to important pages, such as the privacy policy, terms of service, or a sitemap. Here you can also display other business links and Fresh posts which need special attention from visitors.

Footer links also refresh top level links which the users would, otherwise have missed.

They are a form of hierarchical navigation that displays the user’s path from the homepage to the current page. They help users understand where they are on your site and provide links to higher-level categories or sections.

These links appear at the end of a blog post or product page and suggest other relevant content or products that the user might be interested in. They aim to keep users engaged on your site.

Common Linking Mistakes to Avoid

One of the most common mistakes is overloading a page with too many internal links. While internal linking is essential, excessive links can confuse users and dilute the SEO value of each link.

Broken links are harmful in terms of both user experience and Search Engines. Any stray broken links will generate dead page error and add to speed and other performance issues. Check broken links and remove or replace them immediately.

As your website evolves, some pages may change or be removed. Failing to update your internal links accordingly can lead to users landing on non-existent pages, resulting in a poor experience and potential SEO issues.


What is the primary purpose of internal linking in SEO?

Internal linking in SEO primarily aims to improve the organization and structure of a website’s content, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index pages.

Are there any SEO tools to help manage internal links effectively?

Yes, there are several SEO tools and plugins like Yoast SEO.

How can I measure the impact of my internal linking strategy?

You can measure the impact of linking strategy on Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track website performance, including user engagement and search rankings.

Can internal linking benefit e-commerce websites?

Yes, it helps customers discover related products and navigate through the site, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

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